RecoverySuffering can be confusing, chaotic and uncertain. It is important to have a stable foundation from which to build and guide points to help show the way. We follow research based principles of healing, recovery, and wellness in everything we do, as well as intentionally working to create a sense of community and connection for our community members.
MindfulnessWe aim to incorporate mindfulness into everything we provide including psychotherapy techniques for healing such as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, ACT, MBCT, hypnosis, and relaxation techniques. We also seek to collaborate with local providers to extend this practice into the lives of our community members using resources such as massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc.
Community Relationships are central to health and wellness. We believe authentic, balanced, healthy, safe, and nurturing relationships are helpful whatever stage of the journey you are on. We strive to address the growing epidemic of loneliness by offering opportunities to come together in groups, classes and workshops and also through organic opportunities in our shared community spaces.
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